In women, the menstrual cycle is a complicated biological process that is vital for reproductive health. Women need to know a lot about their menstrual cycle and PMS (premenstrual syndrome) so they can take care of their symptoms and stay healthy. What is the typical menstrual cycle duration? How long is a typical period? A
Pregnancy and childbirth can have a significant impact on the pelvic floor in women. During pregnancy, the pelvic floor muscles and ligaments are subjected to increased pressure and stretching, which can cause them to weaken over time. This can lead to a range of urinary and pelvic floor disorders, including urinary incontinence, pelvic organ prolapse,
Polyps, which are abnormal growths or tissue protrusions that can appear in many regions of the body, are removed by a medical treatment called a polypectomy. Although polyps can form in a variety of organs, the focus of this explanation is on polypectomy as it pertains to the GI tract, namely in the colon and
A vaginal canal reconstruction, tightening, or alteration procedure is known as a vaginoplasty. Usually, it is done for health or aesthetic reasons. Who needs vaginoplasty? People looking to improve their sexual function after experiencing trauma or deformities during childbirth. Women who require vaginal reconstruction following radiation treatment or vaginal excision to treat cancer or other
PID is a dangerous illness that affects your uterus, fallopian tubes, and/or ovaries. Women and those who were AFAB (assigned female at birth) are affected. When specific germs pass from your vagina to your reproductive organs, PID can develop. The most frequent cause of PID is bacteria from untreated STIs (sexually transmitted diseases). PID can
A close examination of the cervix, the lowest portion of the uterus, using a colposcopy and a biopsy is done to look for any abnormalities, such as precancerous or cancerous alterations. These techniques are crucial instruments for early identification, diagnosis, and assessment of cervical health. Colposcopy: A colposcopy is a technique in which a medical
A set of medical tests known as fertility testing can assist couples or single people find out if they are able to conceive. Fertility testing can also assist in identifying any issues that could have an impact on a person’s ability to have a child and directing them to the best course of action. There
Labiaplasty is a surgical treatment used to reduce the size of the labia minora, which are the skin folds that surround the urethra and vagina. Inconvenience can be brought on by excess skin when engaged in physical activity, sexual activity, or exercise. Labiaplasty may also be performed as part of a gender-affirming procedure or for
Surgery to undo a tubal ligation is known as tubal ligation reversal. A tubal ligation reversal reopens or reconnects your tubes, allowing sperm and eggs to mix and lead to conception. It undoes a tubal ligation, enabling you to conceive once more. Other names for tubal ligation reversal include tubal reanastomosis, tubal reversal, and tubal
A medical disorder known as pelvic organ prolapse (POP) occurs when one or more pelvic organs, such as the uterus, bladder, or rectum, drop into the vaginal wall or protrude from the vaginal opening. When conservative methods fail or the problem seriously lowers a woman’s quality of life, surgery is one of the POP therapeutic
In vitro fertilization (IVF) is a type of assisted reproductive technology (ART) that helps individuals and couples who are struggling with infertility to conceive. IVF is a complex process that involves retrieving eggs from the female, fertilizing them with sperm in a laboratory, and then transferring the resulting embryos into the uterus. Here is a
Childhood obesity is an increasing concern in many nations since it can lead to a variety of major health issues and have a poor influence on a child’s quality of life. Body mass index (BMI) at or above the 95th percentile for kids of the same age and sex is what is referred to as
To ensure a baby’s overall health and growth, a balanced diet must be maintained. However, when it comes to digestive health, this might be particularly difficult. In order to assist an infant’s digestive system through optimal nutrition, parents must grasp the connection between nutrition and digestion in newborns. Introduce solid foods gradually: It’s crucial
It’s not unusual for you as a parent to have your child experience stomach problems. From indigestion to the stomach flu, there are many common stomach problems that can hurt and be uncomfortable for kids. The good news is that most of these problems are treatable with the right care and attention. Here are some
Planning and preparing properly are the first steps in a successful pregnancy journey. The following actions can help promote a safe pregnancy: Preconception care: Make an appointment with a doctor for a pre-pregnancy check-up before attempting to conceive. This check-up can assist find any potential health issues and make sure you’re in excellent enough health
Drug therapy during pregnancy and lactation can be a complex, the safety of drugs during these periods is not always clear. Women who are pregnant or breastfeeding need to be cautious about the medications they take, as some drugs can be harmful to their developing baby or affect their milk production. Risk Evaluation Assessing the
The positions that breastfeeding moms choose have a big effect on their comfort, milk flow, and milk production. Understanding the mechanics of these postures helps improve the quality and effectiveness of breastfeeding because there is a lot of science behind the various positions. Women should know these lactation positions: Cradle hold: The mother holds the
HRT relieves menopause symptoms. It entails replacing menopausal hormones with oestrogen and/or progesterone in the form of a pill, patch, gel, or vaginal ring. HRT relieves hot flashes, nocturnal sweats, mood disorders, sleep problems, and vaginal dryness. Before giving a woman HRT, a doctor should look at her age, medical history, and risk factors. HRT
An operation called a cystectomy is used to remove ovarian cysts. Fluid-filled sacs called ovarian cysts can develop on or inside the ovaries. While many ovarian cysts are benign and have no symptoms, some might hurt or create other problems. When ovarian cysts are causing pain, discomfort, or other health issues, a cystectomy is frequently
Laparoscopic surgery, commonly referred to as minimally invasive surgery or keyhole surgery, is a cutting-edge surgical technique that has a number of advantages over traditional surgery, including fewer incisions, less discomfort, speedier recovery times, and shorter hospital stays. It is frequently used to treat a number of gynecological problems, such as endometriosis, ovarian cysts, and
Tracking your menstrual cycle is an important aspect of understanding your fertility. It can help you predict when you are ovulating, which is the time when you are most likely to get pregnant. The menstrual cycle is a complex process that is regulated by hormones and the brain, and it is a crucial aspect of
Bladder problems can have a significant impact on a person’s quality of life. Fortunately, there are many strategies and tips that can help improve bladder health and manage bladder problems. Here are some of the most effective strategies and tips for better bladder health: Drink plenty of fluids: Drinking plenty of fluids, especially water,
Hormones play a key role in urogynaecological health. Hormones affect the muscles, tissues, and organs in the pelvic area, including the bladder, uterus, and vaginal tissues. The levels of hormones in the body can change due to factors such as pregnancy, menopause, and hormonal imbalances. These changes can lead to a range of urogynaecological problems,
A surgical treatment called cervical cerclage is done during pregnancy to strengthen the cervix and lower the chance of an early birth or miscarriage. Women who have a history of cervical insufficiency (an incompetent cervix) or other preterm delivery risk factors frequently receive this recommendation. Types of Cervical cerclage: Mc Donald Cerclage: The most typical
A medical technique called endometrial ablation aims to considerably lessen or eliminate the symptoms of menorrhagia, or excessive or irregular uterine bleeding. When alternative conservative treatments or medications fail to control heavy monthly bleeding, it is frequently explored as a therapy option. What is the procedure for endometrial ablation? Endometrial ablation can be done using
The surgical treatment of “getting your tubes tied,” also known as tubal ligation, is exceedingly successful at preventing conception. In order to stop sperm from fertilizing your eggs, you must cut, block, or seal off your fallopian tubes. The fallopian tubes are referred to as “tubal”. A “ligation” is a tie. During this treatment, your
Uterine fibroids, often referred to as leiomyomas, are removed from the uterus through a technique called a myomectomy. Growths called fibroids are composed of muscle and connective tissue cells. They could show up inside your uterus or outside of it. They are often benign (not malignant). Doctor performs a myomectomy to remove the fibroids while
An oophorectomy is a surgical procedure to remove one or both of your ovaries. The reproductive glands in your ovaries produce hormones that regulate your menstrual cycle and support bone and heart health. Additionally, ovaries house and aid in the development of the fertilized eggs. The most frequent reasons for having an oophorectomy are to
The surgical removal of the uterus and, most likely, the cervix is known as a hysterectomy. A hysterectomy may involve the removal of nearby organs and tissues, including the ovaries and fallopian tubes, depending on the purpose for the operation. During pregnancy, a fetus develops in the uterus. The blood you lose during your menstrual
Do you find difficulty in getting pregnant? Did you try every possible thing on earth as a remedy to ovulate faster? If yes, worry not as there are scientific ways like IVF (In Vitro Fertilization) that you try to conceive faster without any worry. All you need is a good medical clinic and a gynecologist
Ever since people have started observing infertility rate within oneself, it became an immense need for people to go for non-invasive and quick methods that can boost fertility. Therefore, patient-friendly methods like IVF (In Vitro Fertilization) came in existence. The process is pretty simple and doesn’t require much time and efforts of individuals. In case
Generally, the period of IVF is from four to six weeks from the beginning to the end. This period covers the whole process from the first day of IVF treatment to embryos transfer and final pregnancy test. Before starting the IVF cycle, it is necessary to discuss the duration with the reproductive specialist so that
Most of you may get confused that what is all about Polycystic ovary syndrome. To put in simple words, it is all about irregular periods or you may say having no menstruation at all. You may not believe that diet and exercise can also play a major role to reduce all these symptoms so that
Diet in pregnancy should nourish the mother and developing baby. Should take pure and clean drinking water. Upto 2 – 3 litres/day Vegetarian diet should include pulses and iron rich vegetables. Ideally you should take three proper meals and three small healthy snacks in a day. Breakfast – 8:00 – 9:00 am 2-3 idlis /
Duis vel orci erat. Aenean quis sem fringilla, scelerisque lectus et, vestibulum arcu. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris faucibus vestibulum dictum. Phasellus accumsan nibh ac justo suscipit, id gravida nulla vestibulum. Suspendisse scelerisque risus quis dolor luctus eleifend. Vivamus lobortis semper ligula faucibus fringilla. Curabitur convallis diam arcu, tempus finibus nunc pellentesque
Maecenas interdum turpis vitae consectetur porttitor. Donec vel sem in nulla fringilla pretium non tincidunt mauris. Integer vulputate mollis tincidunt. Suspendisse lacinia libero quis imperdiet egestas. Aliquam nec dolor enim. Sed mattis ante id auctor commodo. Sed mattis congue urna, in fringilla diam. Duis et semper augue. Integer volutpat varius urna, non ultrices ipsum placerat
Vestibulum a lacus at lectus tincidunt molestie et non metus. Sed ultrices ligula a urna ornare lobortis. In bibendum fringilla metus eget suscipit. Vivamus bibendum pretium nulla at ornare. Quisque egestas rhoncus mauris. Phasellus quam turpis, tristique vitae felis id, molestie luctus ex. Fusce in quam sed ex faucibus venenatis ut non mi. Pellentesque habitant
Vivamus urna erat, gravida nec mauris quis, porttitor dignissim ipsum. Maecenas a auctor magna. Nunc ut nisi in sem vestibulum luctus et sit amet nulla. Nulla quam elit, vestibulum sed sodales ac, bibendum a lacus. Cras volutpat mi eget aliquam tempor. Quisque nulla nulla, sollicitudin a ante vitae, elementum laoreet diam. Donec finibus ante in
Aliquam imperdiet turpis nec lacus euismod egestas. Nullam ultricies tellus a erat rutrum porttitor. Ut semper dignissim turpis, at scelerisque turpis pharetra at. Vivamus porta blandit arcu in dictum. Duis gravida magna nisl, ut sollicitudin leo lobortis in. Suspendisse tempor ligula massa, eu finibus mauris gravida tristique. Sed iaculis ultrices diam sed finibus. Etiam non
Vivamus aliquet est ex, dignissim rutrum lectus volutpat vitae. Quisque molestie convallis nulla. Mauris quis iaculis sem. Sed ut aliquam leo. Nulla ut quam lacus. Curabitur commodo quam sed lorem vestibulum vehicula. Proin id ligula nec eros porttitor elementum in at odio. Suspendisse lobortis vitae dolor eu mattis. Integer ultricies diam quis ex posuere, eget
Suspendisse fringilla, dolor non faucibus venenatis, neque erat pellentesque dui, et gravida dolor enim id ex. Nam eget ipsum neque. Duis pretium, nibh vel pulvinar eleifend, mi ex dignissim augue, non efficitur massa mi vitae nisi. Phasellus vulputate tellus eget interdum sollicitudin. Aliquam interdum augue in tristique varius. Morbi ut laoreet lorem, a cursus tellus.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin tincidunt nunc lorem, nec faucibus mi facilisis eget. Mauris laoreet, nisl id faucibus pellentesque, mi mi tempor enim, sit amet interdum felis nibh a leo. Donec efficitur velit ac nisi rutrum, eu ornare augue tristique.